Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Need A Smart Phone

I use AT&T for my phone service, and I am due for a new cell phone. I love those moments! My last new phone was wonderful, sleek, and expensive. But then I got it wet, and bam! No good anymore. I didn't have insurance on it, and I couldn't afford to get another new good one, so I got a crap phone from Wal*Mart. It has been terrible, and you can't text on it to save your life.

But I looked at AT&T's website to see the phones available to me with a new contract. There are Blackberry Phones, iphones, and the regular panoply of other good to not-so-good choices. I would really like a smart phone. I could use it to surf the web, and write on my blogs, which would help me a lot. I could actually make money with it. And that would really be a smart phone.

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