Sunday, September 16, 2007

Due Dates are Important

I think a lot of my problem with debt (not all of course) is due to my inattention to small things (or big things, however you want to look at it) like due dates. I don't know how many times I have been tunnel-visioned at work and just let a due date go by. And by and by. I don't know why that has happened. But in my editor job, I would get so pressured at certain times,
I literally would not think about anything but work until I met the deadline. And due dates were sometimes the casualties.

It is like things just slip by me. I know I should do a calendar when things are due, but I just haven't done that.

Take today for instance. I almost forgot to call the electric company and make a payment arrangement. If I hadn't done that, my power might have been off in a couple of days. We have had a rough summer, and my bill is higher than normal because of the extra air conditioning needed. I needed to make an arrangement to pay at the end of the month, because it is more than I can pay right now.

I called today and arranged for that to happen. Had I forgotten to do that, and called tomorrow, it might have been too late. Then my power could have gone off, and then I would have had to pay the whole bill anyway, and I don't have the money in my account right now to do that.

Whew. Disaster averted. But it is things like that that get me in trouble. Inattention to details. I can't wait until I don't have to worry about this anymore.