Saturday, August 18, 2012

Celebration Time: I Paid Off A Credit Card!

I paid off a credit cars last week. Pop the champagne! It is truly exciting for me as debt has definitely been a yoke around my shoulders. The balance was $140.00 and I paid it off on online.

The sad part is that is the punt I first paid for the piece of exercise equipment I bought at k- kart a decade ago.

A decade ago. Those are sad words. Since then I have paid a couple of thousand dollars in late fees and interest. Never to get it back and nothing to show for it. To make matters worse, I could never get the equipment assembled correctly and never used it.

Looking back, I can't believe it. Where was my head? Not screwed on right obviously.

But things are looking up. At least it is paid off now. And I will pay off another one in a few months. And the other cards will be paid off within the year. Much better than when I had five years to pay it all off. Never to do again.

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