Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What My Wallet Says

I read an article today about what a wallet says about its owner. I would say off the top of my head that mine says "I need more money!" But, I don't even have a wallet anymore, so I have to rethink my answer. The point of the article was does your wallet reflect that you respect money or not? Since I don't have a wallet, I put my money in my change area of my purse. Like the article pointed out, my money is thrown in there, with change sometimes collecting at the bottom of my purse. That would indicate, the article said, that I don't have respect for money. Hmmm. That may actually be true. Not sure what it means. It either means that, or that I don't think money is important, therefore I don't take pains with it. I may not think money is important, but lack of money is important. Note to self: Treat money better.

1 comment:

Credit Expert said...

I suppose there's a grain of truth in that. I never had a wallet until recently, and it's only recently that I started to show a little repsect for financial matters.
