Sunday, December 18, 2011

Figure It Out

Guest post of the week by Brittany Booker

I wanted to figure out how to help save electricity around the house because man, our bills had gotten so high. I started turning off lights left and right AND I’ve become that person who unplugs all her appliances when she’s not using them – that’s the type of responsible citizen I want to be. Who am I kidding, I didn’t start doing this out of any eco-concious breakthrough, I just didn’t want to have to break the bank paying my utilities each month! A friend told me about a website where I could get fixed rate energy and I jumped on that chance…it really helped me narrow down my options and save some money right off the bat. It’s still up to me though to try and curb my usage which is hard in this huge old house – the electricity seems to just leak right out of the walls or something. I’m going to keep doing what I can though and we’ll see how that ultimately works out for me.

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