Friday, August 20, 2010

Need To Watch My Posture

I have always had very good posture, but I feel like I have been slouching lately. I need to pay attention to how I sit and stand. Particularly at work. I feel like I just sit at my desk all day and I am probly slouching in my chair, and I have no idea that I am doing it. I would hate to get rounded shoulders someday like some people I see. I think some of that is from disease, but some may be from poor posture ove the years.I just saw a website selling office furniture-- click here I am going to look at some other sites too.

You feel better and look better if you stand stall and sit straight in your chair. And when you feel better and look better, you tend to work and interact with others better. We're all so busy these days, it is easy to forget and slouch. But it is better not to. I am going to pay more attention for sure.

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