Friday, August 6, 2010

Condo Parking Lot Needs Repaved

I am home today waiting on the AC repairman. Yeah, lucky me. He had to pick up a part, and I hope he will be back in a minute. It is sweltering hot! While waiting, I am doing a few things around the house. Looking out the window, I can see our poor, sad parking lot. Our condo association had to authorize a special assessment for us to pave, and I guess we will start doing that in a few months. The special assessment was $1,000, and that is hard for me to pay on my budget. But it will be nice once it is done. I am an owner/occupant, so it is not so important to me that it get paved right away. But the owners who rent think differently. They want it paved right away so they can please their tenants. I can understand that.

Who to pave it for us is another story. I have no clue. I will let my property manager figure that out for me. If I lived in San Diego, I might call San Diego Paver Contractors and get a quote from them. I might look around my hometown for some suggestions of contractors and give some names to my property manager.

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