Sunday, August 17, 2008

Applied For a Part-Time Job

Now that I have my JD degree (I love the sound of that!) I have a little more time to devote to my writing. And getting out of debt. I searched online for freelance writing jobs, and found one that fit me. I applied and should hear back in about two weeks. I can do it remotely, which is perfect, and it seems like it would not be too difficult to do. I would need to learn more of the details first, since the job description was a little sketchy. I guess they will contact me if I get it, and I can then ask more questions. My only worry is that now that I am not in school, I don't want to fill up all of my spare time again. Hopefully, I can contain this job. But I do need the extra money to help pay off bills and to build up my savings.

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