Thursday, September 25, 2008

Saving A Life: Priceless

My family has a history of leukemia, and I have known many others who have had the disease or one of the other ones affiliated with it: lymphoma, hodgkins, etc. It is nasty stuff, and it scares me to death. But then all cancer scares me. I have been fascinated with how a baby's cord blood can help treat these diseases plus many more, including diabetes and cerebral palsy. It is just amazing. It involves stem cells, which we have all heard about.

When my nephew was born, I told my sister about cord blood and was hoping she would save his. She didn't, and I don't know if it is because she forgot in the midst of the birth or if it was too expensive. I am sure the expense is what keeps many families from storing cord blood.

If this is something that interests you, you might want to think about companies such as Cryo-Cell.

1 comment:

mommyof2 said...

We chose CBR. If you have any interest in them, there's a $250 coupon at