If you are wanting to make money online, like I am, you really need to be able to count on your computer, your website, and your web host. Because if your web host is no good, you may have an unreliable website! And then--you know--you can't make money off of it very well.
I am in the process of wanting to switch over some of my blogs to a new platform, and also start a website, so I have been researching some webhosting companies. I am not an uber geek, so I have to rely on either word of mouth recommendations as to things such as web hosts, or get my info from websites that compare different webhosts for me.
I actually have already bought my domain names from a company, but I am not sure if that means I get free webhosting automatically or not. Hmmmm? I guess I will have to find out. I hope it does it include webhosting, but my feeling it does not. Oh well. I guess I did the cart before the horse. But I can go back to the same company and buy a webhosting plan, I am sure.
At any rate, I am ready to become more professional in my blogs and websites and actually make money online!

Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Good Article On Becoming A Mystery Shopper
I found this article on mystery shopping today on msn.com:
It is pretty good, because it gives you some good basic info. I have been mystery shopping for a year now and have earned more than $1,000. How much more, I am not sure. (Remember, I am a financial dufus!) I need to go back through my check stubs and online records and add it up. I may be surprised at how much I have made!
I haven't taken too many shops lately, but I almost feel like that is OK. I did a whole bunch in June and almost feel like I got slightly burnt out. I enjoy it, but when you add the time you do the shop, and then the time you take to make the report (and usually, you have to do the report pretty quickly) you can feel rushed. I will try to ramp back up soon.
It is pretty good, because it gives you some good basic info. I have been mystery shopping for a year now and have earned more than $1,000. How much more, I am not sure. (Remember, I am a financial dufus!) I need to go back through my check stubs and online records and add it up. I may be surprised at how much I have made!
I haven't taken too many shops lately, but I almost feel like that is OK. I did a whole bunch in June and almost feel like I got slightly burnt out. I enjoy it, but when you add the time you do the shop, and then the time you take to make the report (and usually, you have to do the report pretty quickly) you can feel rushed. I will try to ramp back up soon.
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