Friday, December 14, 2007


I can't believe it but I got phished! In other words, my identity, at least as pertains to Paypal, was stolen.

Paypal says to be careful not to click on any links in suspicious emails. I got an email that said it was from Paypal and it looked real. It said to confirm some information. I wondered it about it, because I had just used Paypal and didn't think they needed to confirm any info for me, but went ahead and clicked on the link anyway. I made no changes.

But that was enough for them to get my account. Suddenly an item was charged to my Paypal account that I knew I did not order. I was distressed because that was my only 2nd transaction through Paypal, and it was an unauthorized one!

I called Paypal and then had me change my password and security codes. They are going to refund my money. So I am happy now.

Paypal says anytime they send you an email, it will have your first and last name on it. This is important because the phishing email addressed me only as "Dear Paypal User." Be careful of this, as they made that illegal charge only one day later. At least I caught it quickly, and there was no real harm done to me. But unbelievable that this happens.