Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Christmas already?

I went out of town this past weekend to see a concert and stayed with a friend of mine. The next morning, we were drinking coffee and having a luxurious morning reading the paper. That of course includes reading all of the inserts. My friend chuckled and said "Look, they are advertising Christmas cards already, and it is not even Memorial Day!'' We both said we had never seen Christmas cards advertised so early.

But I guess like anything, you might get some of the better deals and a better selection when you shop early. You make look online if you are wanting to order Christmas cards or other special holiday card.

I remember one Christmas break when I was right out of college, and I dragged my younger sister all over town looking for just the perfect card. By the end of the day, she was so bleary eyed, and I was still on a mission. Of course, that was before the internet, so my search today would be much easier.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

When Will I Be Able To Buy A House?

I have what financial guru Dave Ramsey would call House Hunger. I have a condo, but oh boy I want a house. Not just any house. A house with charm, in the right neighborhoods (right to me). A Victorian bungalow in a neighborhoond near me would be just fine. But how would I pay for it? Renting my condo would definitely help. Waiting until after I pay off my debt would help too. I don't want to buy something I can't afford, or buy too soon, or not think it through .Un huh--dont't want to do that. I am trying to save up as much money as I can while paying off debt as fast as I can. Not easy for me. I also have to do some repairs around my condo before I rent it out. The good part is that rents in my neighborhood are pretty high. But I would have to update it some first. Maybe I could get one of those things called a Home Loan Modification. Maybe that could reduce my mortgage on my condo enough, where I could free up some monthly cash that way too. Anyway--by hook or crook I want to be in the house of my choice in two years.