Guest post written by Tom Abrams
Like my wife says, there's nothing like burning up in the heat and trying to keep your power bill low. It requires a whole lot of sitting on our front porch in the early evenings when it cools off outside so that we don't have to run our air conditioning units nearly as much. Well, it also helps to eat or drink something really cold while we're doing that, but we were in the mood to try out something special a few nights ago.
Being retired, we had time to do this and go to the grocery store to get the ingredients. So I used our internet to look up recipes and while I was looking around, I saw the site I read it and after that I chose to change over our home internet service to it, so we did.
We found this recipe for ginger lemonade and it sounded so interesting that I couldn't resist trying to fix it. It tasted really interesting, but once you got over the initial weirdness, it was pretty delicious.