First, thanks to all who sent good wishes my way for little Loopot, my cat. He had been ill, drinking water all of the time, and using the litter box all of the time.
I took him to the vet on Saturday, holding my breath. The vet checked him and said she thought it was one of three things: thyroid, diabetes, or kidney problems, the latter being the worst case scenario.
It turns out it is diabetes, and I think we caught it early. She wants to try to treat him with just a food diet first, and if that doesn't work out, then go to insulin. He also has a bladder infection that we are treating.
I have to say that after the first day of the new diet and the antibiotic, he is acting more back to normal. I am so happy. The food diet is not cheap--the cans are $1.50 at the vet, and $1.30 at Pet Smart, but it is cheaper than doing the diet and the insulin!
When she called me with the news, tears stung my eyes, I was so relieved. I know he has diabetes, which isn't "nothing," but I was afraid it was kidney disease, which is much worse.
Part of the problem of being in debt is not having money available at times like this. If he had needed an operation, I probably could not have done it. So I feel relieved that at least for right now, all I have to do is buy some special food. And keep working at getting out of debt.
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