By now, all of you have probably heard of The Secret. The hoopla The Secret created a few months back has more or less settled down now, but its message remains with many people, including me.
Basically, The Secret is based on the Laws of Attraction. In other words, like attracts like and be careful of what you wish for, as you may get it.
I take this to mean that rather than wishing not to be sick, you should wish to be well. Even when you are wishing to not be sick, the universe focuses on the word "sick."
Many may think this is a bunch of hooey, but I think it has merit, and I am trying to incorporate it into my life as much as possible.
This is a partial list of what I am focusing on:
The universe is sending the right man to me, and he is on his way.
I am healthy and will remain that way.
I have many people in my life who cherish my friendship and love me, and I will never be lonely.
People appreciate me for my mind and spirit; they appreciate my input
I have abundance of wealth, more money than I need.
Well the last one is a little exaggeration, but part of The Secret is to think as if what you want is already happening, and then it will come true.
I was at a business meeting the other day, and the speaker was offering a variety of inspirational messages.
He did not say the words "The Secret" specifically, but it was what he was talking about, I am sure. He said to always keep a $100 bill in your pocket to make yourself feel prosperous and to keep $20 bills lying around the house for the same reason. He didn't explain, but I think it is part of that "acting as if."
Speaking of that, I know that tuition check will not clear my account until after tomorrow and I will not have any NSF due to debit card transactions before then!
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